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Straighten Your Teeth With Invisible Braces

woman with straight white teethNeed braces but are embarrassed about the prospect of all that metal?

Traditional braces are an effective way to straighten your teeth. Except, who really wants all that metal bonded to the front of their teeth? It was different twenty/thirty years ago when there was only one type of braces; back then there was no choice.

Thankfully, dentistry is a medical field where new discoveries are constantly being sought after and made and now you have a range of options to straighten your teeth.

We created a table that compares traditional braces and clear aligners that highlights the pros and cons of both.’

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Straighten Your Teeth

Straightening your teeth is about a lot more than aesthetics, even though aesthetics often guide our choice in which type of braces we use. In fact aesthetics is one of the reasons why there are alternatives to metal braces; and yet it is not the main reason, invisible braces provide options for straightening your teeth that were not previously available with metal braces. Regardless of aesthetics, braces are often prescribed by orthodontists for health reasons. Three health reasons for straightening your teeth are:

1. Straight teeth are healthy teeth

Straight teeth are healthier than crooked teeth for a number of reasons. Firstly, straight teeth are less prone to cavities and are less likely to fracture, crack or break in anyway. Secondly, your gums will be healthier when your teeth are straight which means less chance of periodontal (gum) disease. Lastly, healthy teeth and gums are not as sensitive to hot and cold temperatures as crooked teeth and unhealthy gums.

2. You’ll live longer

That’s right, straight teeth and healthy gums could actually mean that you live longer. There have been studies to show that people who floss every day and generally look after the health of their teeth and gums live up to (on average) seven years longer. This is in part due to the fact that gum disease has been linked to various illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. So if you look after the health of your teeth you are reducing the risk of gum disease and all the potential problems associated with gum disease.

3. Protecting your teeth

You can protect your teeth by straightening them. If you have buck teeth that protrude out of your mouth there is a heightened risk of them been broken in a fall, sports injury or some other accident. To avoid the painful work that goes in hand with broken and fractured teeth at Excellence in Dentistry we recommend straightening your teeth.

Social 6 Invisible Braces

At Excellence in Dentistry we have an invisible way to straighten your teeth. The desire not to have unsightly braces looking like train tracks running across your mouth is not a new phenomenon. It is just that now we have the technology to provide you with an invisible option that will straighten your teeth without you having to be self-conscious about your smile.

Social 6 Invisible Braces are bonded to the back of your teeth and are designed to:

  • Optimise treatment time: traditional braces can take up to two years; Social 6 Invisible Braces take 4 to 6 months.
  • The invisible braces are clinically proven to minimise speech issues and discomfort.
  • At most two wires are involved although for a majority of cases only one wire is necessary.


In just 4 to 6 months you can have straight, healthy teeth thanks to Social 6 Invisible Braces; whether it’s a row of teeth or just one or two annoying teeth that are crooked or misaligned Social 6 is a great way to straighten your teeth invisibly.

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