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Bruxism Care in Brisbane

Bruxism refers to the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth, often during sleep or waking hours. Over time, this condition may lead to various dental problems, including worn-down teeth, jaw pain, frequent headaches and asymmetry of the face. Early diagnosis and care are essential to prevent long-term damage to both teeth and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).


Several factors may trigger bruxism. Stress and anxiety are common contributors though recent research shows there’s a strong connection between narrowing and blockage of airways and bruxism too. For example, people with sleep apnea tend to grind and clench severely. Other causes include misaligned teeth (malocclusion), certain medications like antidepressants, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, caffeine, and alcohol consumption. Identifying the underlying cause/s is key to determining the most effective care plan.

Diagnosis and Care Options

Bruxism often presents with symptoms like jaw or facial pain, flattened or chipped teeth, and headaches, especially upon waking. Other signs include increased tooth sensitivity and difficulty opening or closing the mouth. Grinding sounds during sleep are another telltale sign that a sleep partner might notice. Left untreated, bruxism may lead to more serious issues like TMJ disorders and tooth fractures.

One of our dentists will examine your mouth and teeth for signs of bruxism, such as wear on the enamel. They will also examine the facial and jaw muscles and measure them to see if they function within normal range. Your symptoms, sleep patterns, and lifestyle will also be discussed to identify potential causes. Custom-fitted nightguards can provide a protective barrier between the teeth, preventing damage to teeth when grinding or clenching. In cases of misaligned teeth, orthodontic solutions like braces or Invisalign® may help correct the bite and reduce clenching.

One of the best ways to stop Bruxism is neuromodulator cosmetic injections to relax the jaw muscles and decrease the muscle spasm intensity.

Lifestyle Changes to Consider

Prevention focuses on managing stress and making lifestyle changes. Reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption, practising relaxation techniques before bed for patients whose bruxism is stress-induced. For people with airways issues, it’s important to see an ENT doctor to find the issue or in case of Sleep apnea start wearing a Mandibular Advancement Device to open the airways or start using a CPAP machine. Regular dental check-ups are also crucial to monitor any early signs of damage and prevent more severe complications.

Put Grinding to a Halt

If you’re experiencing teeth grinding or jaw pain, contact Excellence in Dentistry today to schedule a consultation and learn about the best solutions to protect your smile.


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Bruxism Care in Spring Hill, Brisbane CBD QLD | (07) 3839 7757