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Fix Your Smile Invisibly

women eating laughing at phoneIf you need braces then social 6 invisible braces may be the answer!

Too often it is the idea of braces that put people off, just saying the word can evoke an almost irrational fear at the idea of having metal wire bonded to the front of your teeth. This idea of braces as metal train tracks on the teeth is still a prevalent one, but it is one that is no longer necessary.

As dentistry has evolved there are now in fact many types of braces. From the traditional metal braces to the more modern and subtle braces offered at Excellence in Dentistry in Brisbane. The braces we offer at Excellence in Dentistry are called social 6 invisible braces. The aesthetic benefit of the social 6 invisible braces is that no one will even know you’re having treatment done. You can continue to go to school, meet and greet clients or go to social gatherings without needing to hide from the cameras.

Social 6 Invisible Braces

As with any medical treatment it is always best to discuss with one of our dentists as to what is the best treatment for you. Since everyone’s oral health is at different stages, what will work for one patient may not necessarily have any effect on another.

If you have crooked teeth, or a single out of place tooth, social 6 invisible braces is a great solution that only takes 4 to 6 months. The social 6 system of braces are tiny brackets that are glued to the inside of your teeth (this is what makes them invisible) and as many as two orthodontic wires move and align your teeth.

Why the Social 6 System is What You Want

One of the great things about the social 6 system is that it is quick. Treatment time with traditional braces can last as long as two years. With social 6 invisible braces your treatment time is 4 to 6 months! This speedy treatment time is due—in part—to the superb bracket design.

Another is that comparatively speaking our invisible braces at Excellence in Dentistry are comfortable. The brackets are designed to have rounded contours which reduce the interference with the tongue. An additional bonus is that the social 6 invisible braces don’t affect your speech. So not only will people not be able to see that you’re getting dental work but nothing in your speech will give it away either!

On top of the comfort and speed of the social 6 system is also the quality and simplicity of these braces.

There are no complicated series of wires and brackets: just 6 brackets and one to two wires that allow for maximum control and the best possible results. It’s simple and effective—what more could one want when it comes to solving crooked teeth.

Getting the Smile You Want

At Excellence in Dentistry our team of expert and friendly dentists are all about giving our patients the best (and most) comfortable care possible. We understand that everyone is different and we individualise each treatment to suit the patient.

To book an appointment at our conveniently located dental practice, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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