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About Dental Crowns Brisbane

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

young woman smiling at dentistWhen your natural tooth structure has been damaged a dental cap /crown is inserted to completely cover the damaged tooth. They restore your beautiful smile that may be suffering from the effects of decay, fractures, broken teeth, or have a very large filling.

Your dentist may recommend wearing a crown for the purpose of improving your facial shape and shape. A crown can help fill a gap between implants using a crown or improve or supplant another tooth’s appearance. An dental implant is also covered by a crown.

7 Reasons Our Experienced Dental Crown Team May Recommend This Procedure

Our experienced dental crown team are routinely conduct this procedure commonly used for restoration your natural teeth. This dental treatment plays a vital role in dental protheses and more intensive dental treatments such as root canal surgery, dental implant and dental bridge. The final stage of root canal treatment is the dental restoration. Crowns are completely customized and restore the natural teeth to the shape, look and functionality. Crowns provide a solution for a depleted or fractured teeth when replaced. They can be also placed onto implants after a tooth extraction.

They may be recommended for the following reasons:

  • Protect a weak tooth from breaking
  • Hold together a cracked or broken tooth
  • You have a misshapen tooth
  • Replace a very large normal filling
  • Keep a dental bridge in place
  • To cover a tooth that is misshapen
  • To cover a severely discoloured tooth

Some crowns have longer life and some have higher strength. The longest lasting crowns are gold and porcelain-filled crowns. Crowns made of ceramic and porcelain look natural but tend to be less durable than metal. Your dentist would probably recommend the crown that fits best to your particular situation or the best alternative treatment option. The natural tooth may also have become too weak or worn to be fitted as per traditional filling and veneer and other treatment can be recommended. The life span of a crown is usually from 5 years to 15 years.


  • Protect a weakened tooth from breaking
  • The crown surrounds your tooth restoring shape size
  • Strengthens the structure of a decayed tooth that has a large filling and protects it against breaking
  • Can enhance a severely discoloured tooth

Everything You Need To Know About The Different Types And These Dental Procedures

A porcelain dental crown is a permanent prosthetic tooth whose surface can be cemented permanently on a natural tooth. For several reasons people get ceramic crowns or dental crowns in many cases to repair cracked teeth. Dental crowns strengthen and enhance the teeth’s structural integrity and the appearance of the teeth and smile generally. If your dentist told you she or he could do an extraction and put a dental crown in your teeth know that there’s many alternatives for that and it’s quite a straightforward task.

What is the difference between dental crowns?

The four largest kinds of dentition crowns are ceramics or porcelain porcelains fused to metal or golden alloy crowns. Porcelain tends to be used for front teeth or larger teeth. Metal crowns generally advised for molars or behind teeth less visible to the crowns since they are used for chewing and grinding. Gold coloured alloys are usually silver-coloured but base steel crown rings containing non- noble metals are silver. Base metal alloys have a more natural appearance than ceramic crowns they are more fragile than metal crowns and provide a natural appearance.

Crowns made of all ceramic / porcelain

Unsurpassed by any other dental crown technology to deliver a natural beauty and colour matching which are amazingly lifelike. Ceramic crowns can be slightly weaker, which can lead to infection and failure if not dealt with appropriately by your dentist. Zirconia crowns are the hardest and strongest ceramic crown.

Dental Laboratory Made Crowns

In the case of dental lab-made dental crown the two-session appointment is required. The first visit requires examining and preparation the tooth making images and placing a temporary Crown. The second appointment is when the permanent crown is cemented to the tooth. The amount of gluing depends in which tooth the crown is being placed. The all-metal type of crowns is currently the thinnest and therefore will require the least amount of tooth structure removal. PFMs require higher filing of the tooth. The porcelain crown can then be selected by the dentist to match your dental colour. And whitening of the teeth may be essential.

CEREC – Same-day dental crown procedure

It is now not necessary to wait a couple of weeks with a temporary crown whilst waiting for your permanent crown to be fabricated at a dental lab. A CEREC crown restoration can be customised for you on the spot in one visit.

Same day Crowns are made using our machine system of CEREC. This reduces the necessity for dental impressions, physical moulds, temporary restorations and multiple visits. Implants will match natural dental colours seamlessly. The technological advance is exact and accurate and complete and the repair is made in only one appointment. Once a ceramic crown will be manufactured it will be checked on its fit and fixed when advisable, before permanently cementing onto your natural crown to more look like a solid ceramic crown blending into your natural teeth.

Crowns For Front Teeth

We often suggest a ceramic or porcelain crown for your front tooth, as these materials provide a superior natural colour. Front teeth are not subjected to the pressure molars may be under when you chew, so aesthetic appeal is usually the main factor over strength.

How do I prepare for a Crown?

Existing tooth construction

Whether a same day crown or traditional, successful treatment of a dental crown depends upon any tooth ridge which extends out into the tooth’s central cavity at some point. The solid core provided sufficient support for the crown to ensure that they can resist all the forces placing their burden on them. Reasons for a loss of natural teeth that may be left can include decay, fracture the loss of an older filling (where natural tooth was drilled before. A metal ‘post’ is inserted into the root canal to stabilize the filling to the teeth. If there is not sufficient structural strength on it may produce weakened bond and it may break into the crown.

What to expect at your first porcelain crown appointment

Dental impressions or digital scans are taken to provides dentists with a virtual reproduction of your teeth and gums from pictures and lasers. The digital technologies capture a clear and precise picture within minutes and most people find digital impressions easier and comfortable than traditional impressions. After you obtain your temporary crown you have to take special care of your mouth to stop any fracture from happening in your mouth. So long as the temporary crown is attached you are able to eat and brush your teeth just as you like before and skip brushing around your crown.

What to expect at your second porcelain crowns appointment

Your new porcelain crown is bonded with your second appointment. In some cases where such tooth decay is extremely extensive it is literally replaced with a filling material. After placing the crown your bite will be assessed as if your bite is fully aligned with your natural bite and chewing movements. Upon the final appointment the patient received instructions on how to properly care for the crown in order to maintain the crown’s strength and longevity. The crown is monitored also at regular dental hygiene and examination appointments including dental hygiene.

Same Day Crowns

Excellence in Dentistry offer CEREC technology where the crown is made in house, negating the need for the wait and a second visit.

The Top 14 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

Do dental crowns hurt?

Patients are usually administered the anaesthetic before dental crown surgery to relieve any discomfort. Nevertheless you can experience minor irritation during the procedure. After the anaesthesia wears off teeth can be sore in your mouth and your jaw. Then it should ease up in a few days.

How long do dental crowns last?

The benefits of dental crowns are clear, and if you’re looking at dental crowns for yourself, you’ve probably wondered how long they’ll last. Well, typically dental crowns last for 10 + years, but that all depends on your oral health and technique.

Do crowns ruin your teeth?

Crowns are created from a combination of high grade porcelain and other types of porcelain. They are designed to mimic the appearance of a natural tooth. However, if your dental crown doesn’t fit over your tooth properly, it can lead to tooth decay, or if the cement that attaches the crown to your tooth washes away and bacteria can invade the space between the crown and your tooth.

What does a crown do for a tooth?

Dental crowns are “caps” that are designed to fit perfectly and be placed over your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance providing a long-term solution, not only restoring the dental crown but also the functionality of the tooth.

How much of a tooth is needed for a crown?

Teeth crowns may be a viable option when as much as 75% of the natural tooth has been damaged or decayed, and can also be placed when the tooth is lacking both external and internal support

What is the strongest type?

Porcelain-fused-to-metal are one of the the strongest type, with decent flexibility, and they look more natural than metal crowns. They won’t chip as easily as porcelain or ceramic crowns.

Is a crown stronger than a tooth?

In most cases an undamaged tooth is stronger and preferable to a tooth crown. But if your tooth has a large filling or decay it will likely be much stronger with a crown on it.

Is a bridge better than a crown?

They are different, whereas crowns can repair damaged teeth, a bridge’s sole function is to replace one or more missing teeth. For a bridge, your dentist will place caps on filed-down teeth or dental implants at the outer edges of your area of tooth loss.

Can they fall out?

Over time it’s likely to deteriorate, so it is possible your crown may become loose and fall out. Typically it i possible to simply clean the tooth and crown to remove any remaining cement, and then bond the crown back to your tooth structure

Can these stain?

Yes these tooth shaped caps may stain over time similar to your natural teeth. If you drink coffee/red wine and smoke cigarettes regularly your crown could be stained.

What are Cosmetic crowns (Ceramic)?

In dentistry a material known as porcelain can form tooth coloured material. Cosmetic crowns restore anterior teeth and match natural colours. The most popular option is Zirconia which is actual metal. Most of these crowns are durable and strong and don’t chips easily. It makes them more durable than ceramic ones which break naturally.

Does a crowned tooth require special care?

The tooth adorned is uncomplicated. Still, the tooth beneath must be safeguarded from decay or gum disease. Good hygiene practices include brushing the mouth twice every day and flossing once a day. It is important to avoid biting porcelain crowns when teeth have cracking hard surface. Avoid chewing candy hulls with tough-bitten crowns by not slicing.

Does my private dental health cover this?

If you have Private Health Insurance, you will need to contact your provider to see how much you can get back on the cost of these restorative treatments.

Are Dental Payment Plans an option for this procedure?

We have a range of payment plans to cover most dental care including this.


Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.

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